Mindfulness Meditation Improves Focus at Work


Mindfulness meditation helps improve focus at work, reduces stress and increases concentration new study finds. Who would’ve guessed?  Reported in USA Today by Darren Calabrese .

Entrepreneur Wendy Woods, meditating next to her BlackBerry, says it helps her be more creative.
“Entrepreneur Wendy Woods, meditating next to her BlackBerry, says it helps her be more creative.”

“All sorts of gizmos and gadgets can help you be more productive at work, and theories abound on how you should structure your days to get more done.  But a new study finds that becoming more focused, productive and less stressed at work may involve nothing more than learning to meditateDavid Levy, a computer scientist and professor with the Information School at the University of Washington, found that those who had meditation training were able to stay on task longer and were less distracted. Levy and his co-authors discovered that meditation also improved test subjects’ memory while easing their stress.”  Read full article

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