An Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation 4-week Course —

FEEL the change in your life from day one

REDUCE stress and anxiety

ENJOY greater feelings of OKness

New Zealand’s #1 mindfulness and meditation course.

Four week Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation course in Christchurch. Course includes 4 one-hour classes with an experienced mindfulness trainer, downloadable guided mindfulness meditations and a comprehensive 45-page digital guidebook.

“I am so glad I did the course and would recommend it to everyone.” — Rosie Smith

What is Mindfulness and Meditation?

Mindfulness is a simple and practical way to learn to observe our thoughts, rather than be trapped by them and worrying about the past or the future.

Meditation is sitting formally, focusing on our breath or body sensations. As we do this we experience greater ease and freedom. In all Mindfulness Works courses we sit in chairs.

The Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation

✅ Reduced stress, anxiety and worry

With practice and over time, mindfulness meditation can reduce the amount of stress and anxiety we experience.

✅ Better sleep

Experience better sleep with mindfulness meditation. The more relaxed we become, the easier it is to sleep.

✅ Greater self-acceptance and self-love

Mindfulness helps us realise we are perfectly OK just as we are, right here and right now.

✅ Healthier relationships through reduced reactivity

Rather than getting lost in a ‘fight or flight’ response when we feel annoyed, angry or threatened in our relationships, we have the tools to respond, rather than react.

✅ Greater feelings of joy and freedom

Mindfulness and meditation allows us to experience natural feelings of joy, calm and freedom.

✅ Increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence

Develop the wisdom and emotional intelligence to navigate life’s challenges in an easier, simpler and more rewarding way.

“Mindfulness has been shown to benefit our brains to such an extent that we can feel calmer, more aware, have an increased ability to focus and concentrate, remember things better and feel happier.” — NZ Mental Health Foundation Press Release July 2012

See Course Locations and Schedules

“I feel calmer. I am able to use techniques when my triggers go off. Using the meditation at night has allowed me to get a better night’s sleep.” — Sue Mathew

4 WEEK IN-PERSON COURSE: Enough time to practise between classes and experience the benefits of mindfulness

NO RISK MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: If you attend all classes and don’t feel you have received any benefit, you are entitled to a full 100% money back refund.

EXCLUSIVE 45-PAGE DIGITAL GUIDEBOOK: Receive our comprehensive 45-page digital guidebook filled with articles, inspiration and assignments.

FREE 4-WEEK GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE CALM MINDFULNESS APP: All participants on courses receive a free 4-week gift subscription to the full version of the award-winning Calm Mindfulness and Meditation app.

OVER 25 GUIDED MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONS — FOR YOU TO KEEP: You receive a selection of over 25 fully downloadable and streamable guided mindfulness meditations to keep for life.

NO RELIGION. NO DOGMA. NO FUNNY POSITIONS: This course is practical and fun with no religious elements. The language used is clear and modern. We sit in chairs.

EXPERIENCED AND WELL-SUPPORTED TEACHERS: Receive guidance from experienced mindfulness teachers who have received our teacher training and partake in ongoing professional development.

“Mindfulness helps you to keep your thoughts in the present moment. As you practice, you tend to get better at calming the mind and keeping things in perspective.” – Dr Grant Blashki GP

“Since doing this course, I have been sleeping much better, I feel much more in control of my emotions, I have enjoyed ‘noticing’ my own state, but also it has transferred to everything around. This means I am re-enjoying many things that I had been taking for granted.” — Sandy Good


Four Tuesday Evenings
6.15pm – 7.25pm
Facilitator: Kate Brandram-Adams

Rossburn Receptions
Spark Lane

Book your place now

Tickets $165

Money Back Guarantee on All Courses

Online Zoom Courses

“I feel calmer. I am able to use techniques when my triggers go off. Using the meditation at night has allowed me to get a better night’s sleep.” — Sue Mathew

“Using mindfulness to help me better manage unrelenting anxiety, obsessive worrying & sadness. I have found that using the apps is helpful when having a stressful day, & I intend to keep practicing daily. Thank you.” — Cecily Wilson

“Thank goodness I came across Mindfulness Works. I have learnt so much in a year and am the happiest, authentic and content I have ever been. Learning acceptance without judgement as been an eye opener for me. I’m continuing my journey of self compassion and feel excited and hopeful for my future, but am grateful of the now and who I am today…” — Rebecca Young

FREE 4 week subscription to CALM included.

Every participant on the Mindfulness Works Introduction to Mindfulness 4-Week Course receives a free 4-week gift subscription to the award-winning CALM mindfulness and meditation app (premium version). This app was the Apple app of the year for 2017.

Meditate Learn the life-changing skill of meditation.

Sleep Get more restful sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Masterclass Audio programs taught by world-renowned mindfulness experts.

No Religion. No funny positions. No dogma. This course is practical and non-religious.

This particular course emphasises your own natural wisdom, your own innate OKness, right here and now. The instructions and guidance will be explicitly inviting you to embrace your whole human experience as it happens, moment by moment with a radical acceptance.

Course Outline

Week 1: What is Mindfulness?

  • What mindfulness is
  • The benefits of mindfulness and meditation
  • How to get the most from the course
  • Guided body scan mindfulness meditation
  • Questions and answers / discussion.

Week 2: Working with the Mind

  • Why thinking can be problematical
  • Practical ways to work with difficult thoughts
  • Self-judgement and how to intervene
  • Guided mindfulness meditation – counting the breath
  • Questions and answers / discussion.

Week 3: Working with Emotions

  • What are emotions?
  • Learning to feel emotions
  • The RAIN method
  • Non-judgement and acceptance
  • Guided mindfulness meditation on feelings
  • Questions and answers / discussion.

Week 4: Radical Acceptance

  • What it means to be present
  • How wanting causes stress
  • Developing wisdom and insight
  • Authentic self-compassion
  • Open awareness guided mindfulness meditation
  • Questions and answers / discussion
  • Next steps.

Book your course now

“Am so glad I did the course and would recommend it to everyone. ” — Rosie Smith

“Huge reduction in anxiety, calmness of mind and body and empowerment over my symptoms.” — Jo Kirwan

“I feel calmer. I am able to use techniques when my triggers go off. Using the meditation at night has allowed me to get a better nights sleep” — Sue Mathew

“Using mindfulness to help me better manage unrelenting anxiety, obsessive worrying & sadness. I have found that using the apps is helpful when having a stressful day, & I intend to keep practicing daily. Thank you.” — Cecily Wilson

“The course was very relaxed and friendly, and full of useful practical advice that recognised the limits to time that everyone faces. Also I liked the mix of people attending, with a range of different reasons for being there.” — Rosie Cree

“Since doing this course, I have been sleeping much better, I feel much more in control of my emotions, I have enjoyed ‘noticing’ my own state, but also it has transferred to everything around. This means I am re-enjoying many things that I had been taking for granted.” — Sandy Good

“The course guidebook was a useful guide and very informative. I also enjoyed the formal practice and the way different strategies were explained.” — Linda Daniell

Learn From The Best

Mindfulness and Meditation teachers

Lin Ong, Christchurch

MSc (Psych, Otago), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Trainer & Supervisor (Oxford Mindfulness Centre, Oxford University, UK) and Teaching Partner, Life Coach (LCA)

Lin, like you, is a human being who encounters the ups and downs of life and the universal wish to be in contact with happiness and peace. She has experienced moments of this in mindfulness practice. She invites you to embrace this path of discovery in the ongoing journey. Her first encounter of mindfulness practice begun about 25 years ago. Her search for a way to understand suffering in the mental mind began with observation and then studies in psychology, social work and coaching, including working as a psychologist and even as a wildlife guide.

This led her to various explorations and adventures that brought her eventually to Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Through the Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC), UK, she is certified to deliver MBCT and related programs, through a supervised pathway. Lin is an OMC Associate, trainer and supervisor for MBCT and related mindfulness programs. She has deep respect and gratitude for Prof Mark Williams and her other mentors Prof Willem Kuyken, Marie Johansson, Christina Surawy and Antonia Sumbundu. Her training stems from members of the team at OMC; Melanie, Ann, Antonia, Mark, Chris, Ruth, and Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn. She facilitates mindfulness groups locally and internationally.

She has found that what we cannot escape from is that knowledge remains mere knowledge until we integrate the practice into our own lives. Lin has a strong interest in research-based approaches that bring together the strength of modern science and ancient wisdom to help empower people, be familiar with the mind-body and to access the natural spring of wellbeing in people.

Lin is deeply grateful to developers and teachers of MBCT, and her other precious teachers and friends from various walks of life. She is touched by those whose lives she has encountered.

Her motivation is to work alongside you in a way that enlivens and empowers, so that you can continue to benefit yourself and others around. She is open to working to make this possible through means that fits. Visit Lin’s website.

She is very happy to join Karl Baker and Mindfulness Works and to journey together with the community towards deeper awareness and joy.

Meg Logan, Christchurch

Meg is a wellbeing practitioner and facilitator and has collaborated on and initiated therapy-based projects in clinical, private sector and non-profit organisations in New Zealand, the UK and Mauritius. She has developed an integrative approach to her practice, to find supportive solutions in a reliable and resourceful way providing one-on-one wellbeing pathways and facilitation.

After qualifying with a diploma in advanced remedial therapies in Auckland in 1993 , Meg took on the challenge of designing and co-founding a health centre in her native country, Mauritius.  Subsequent training in counselling led to a diploma in applied psychology, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), neuro linguistic programming (NLP), trauma informed care and reflexology. On the multidisciplinary team of a therapeutic hospice in Auckland from 2009 to 2016, she initiated workshops in writing therapy and mindfulness which became core elements in a holistic model of care, collaborating with a leading UK based teaching hospital. Her sense of purpose and contribution to the individuals and teams she works with is based on bringing attentive presence and encouraging practical compassion.

Moving to Christchurch in 2016, Meg has presented workshops at the Cancer Society, and at Southern Cross, and worked with Council and MBIE and delivered employee assistance programmes (EAP). Registered with the Federation of Holistic Therapists UK (MFHT) in 2000, Meg is a certified professional supervisor for health and social services (CPSHS) and is a member of the European Coaching Council (MECC). She provides on-site workplace wellbeing support to individuals and groups with a non-profit organisation in Christchurch, lives by the sea and enjoys her family nearby.

Kate Brandram-Adams, Rangiora

Qualified Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher

Kate has a love for practising and teaching mindfulness. She has her home in rural North Canterbury. Her passion is to offer professionally led mindfulness workshops, retreats and courses to groups and workplaces in the area.

Mindfulness is a fundamental part of Kate’s life. She has a daily meditation and yoga practice, attends regular meditation and mindful living retreats and has done personal development work with mindfulness therapists. It is a value of hers not to teach anything that she is not willing to experience herself, allowing her to teach with authenticity and compassion.

Kate is a Registered Mindfulness Teacher with MTIANZ and is trained to teach the worldwide evidence base course Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) that she offers as a follow up course in Rangiora. She is committed to ongoing training in mindfulness teaching and has recently completed her yoga teacher training too.

She is also a Registered Mental Health Nurse who specialises in addictions and holistic approaches (integrating body, mind and spirit for wellbeing) including training in naturopathy, nutrition and massage.

Kate has a passion for the integration of ancient wisdom with modern day neuroscience, thus uniting the art and science of supporting people to discover their own source of wisdom, wellbeing and healing; connecting with their own “inner teacher”.

Kate is grateful to the many mindfulness teachers in her life that include the animals and the nature around her. Visit Kate’s website.

Mindfulness Works is one of the largest mindfulness training organisations in Australasia. Over 25,000 people have attended the Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation 4-week course throughout New Zealand and Australia.

Mindfulness Works is committed to:

  • Providing accessible and affordable mindfulness courses
  • Offering a diverse range of experienced and skilled mindfulness trainers
  • Providing courses in a practical format with exceptional supporting resources
  • Improving the mental health of all of us and fostering self-love in all
  • Supporting our facilitators with options for further professional development

Refund and Transfer Policy

  • Full refunds are available up to one week before a course starts.
  • Free transfers to other courses are available up to one week before a course starts.
  • Once a course has started, full refunds are only available if you attend every class of the course and feel you have not got value. In this case you are entitled to and will be given a full refund.
  • Refunds are not given if you do not attend every class of the course and if you simply ‘do not like’ the course or decide ‘it is not for you’.
  • For more details about our refund and transfer policy, please read our FAQ.

How long is each weekly class and what happens?

Each class is one hour long. There will be a guided meditation for a period. This will include meditation instruction. After the meditation and instruction, there will be a talk or discussion. This includes a question and answer time.

Who is it suitable for?

This course is suitable for any of the following:

  • 18-year-olds and over
  • Beginners
  • People who have never meditated or practised mindfulness before
  • People who have just started meditating or practising mindfulness.

Book your course now